Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tests and Omens

This morning I had my hair cut, then visited the hospital phlebotomy lab for a blood test. I'm taking the "Clomid Challenge."

I assume the terminology refers to something medical--I haven't bothered to look it up yet--but that name makes it sound like I myself am being challenged. It feels that way too.

My cycle started Thursday. On a side note, as Felix's tumbling class got underway I slipped out to a clothing store I like nearby and happened to buy a RED pajama top and a pair of fleecy, fuzzy RED flip-flops, totally unconsciously, as if the newly pubescent girl inside me were celebrating her initiation into womanhood or something.

Anyway, my period started Thursday, so I called the OB to get some fertility drugs. On Friday I had an ultrasound to make sure I had no cysts on my ovaries. They were fine. I was given directions and prescriptions for blood tests on days 3 and 10, taking Clomid days 5 through 9, testing my urine for signs of LH hormone that indicates when I will ovulate, etc, etc.,etc. To give us a better chance of conceiving, they will also do an insemination.

"What a nuisance," Dan said. But I still appreciate that it gives me a sense of control, even if it's illusory.

So today I got my first blood test. As the phlebotomist was finishing up, a music-box lullaby played over the loudspeaker. "Awww, a baby was just born," she said with a smile. They play the lullaby whenever there's a new arrival in Labor and Delivery. I thought, I wonder if they played it when Elise was born.

And I thought, I am going to take the timing of that song as a good omen.

1 comment:

MMichalak said...


Elise was with her cousin Andrew watching and helping him with a project he was working on...He was using her candle ( out of all the candles i have in this house!)So i told him he must have wanted to have his cousin with him for good measure!

We love you and think of Elise and you often...Good luck with the Clomid Challenge, I know you can pass it! My prayers are constantly with you.

Lots and lots of love,
